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Side Events


eselaAC2020 will not take place in-person due to coronovirus
Read our full update here

Delegates are invited to join the esela conference side events and evening receptions. Side and evening events are ticketed separately to the main conference.

esela Side Events 2020*

Day 1, Monday 27 April, 8 am - 2 pm: Climate Legal Action: The Hackathon

Day 1, Monday 27 April, 9 am - 2 pm: The Academic Gathering

*Scroll down for further details.

esela Evening Events*

Day 1, Monday 27 April, from 6 pm: Welcome Reception hosted by DLA Piper

Day 2, Tuesday 28 April,  from 6 pm: 'Connecting Lawyers Across Borders' - drinks reception and networking hosted by Herbert Smith Freehills 

*Invitations will be issued to conference delegates in March. RSVP through the link in the email invitation.

esela Annual Conference 2020

Day 1, Monday 27 April: 2 pm – 5 pm

Day 2, Tuesday 28 April: 8.30 am – 5.15 pm

The Academic Gathering

On the morning of Monday 27 April, esela will hold its third annual Academic Gathering.


The event, held at the London School of Economics, is aimed at both academics and practitioners of law and related disciplines.


The agenda will cover B Corp certification for university departments, business and human rights law, social enterprise ecosystems and legal forms, and the role of academia in response to today's social and environmental challenges.


Tickets are now available to purchase. 


Click here to register for conference updates and to receive an invitation to the event.

The Academic Gathering - eselaAC2020 -
Climate Legal Action:
The Hackathon

Join this unique opportunity to collaborate with colleagues from across the legal profession to rewire contracts and invent new laws to fight climate change.

This interactive event is facilitated by The Chancery Lane Project, a collaboration between barristers, solicitors and academics to create the legal conditions necessary to achieve Net Zero emissions.

The Hackathon takes place on the morning of Monday 27 April at the London School of Economics and is intended for lawyers of any discipline. 


Tickets are now available to purchase. 


Click here to register for conference updates and to receive an invitation to the event.

Climate Legal Action - eselaAC2020 - 27

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